
Press Release in FirstwordHealthtech

We would like to invite you to read our Press Release in FirstwordHealthtech. It reveals top-line results from the Pivotal Clinical Investigation of ONIRY (NCT04903977) Read more to learn about the performance and safety of ONIRY from the study of 153 women from 4 European countries!


The face-to-face Investigators Meeting

Completion of the pivotal clinical investigation is considered a major milestone in the development of the ONIRY device, paving the way to its marketing in European Union and beyond! Some of you remember, that on September 22, 2023, the face-to-face Investigators Meeting, also with online attendance, was held in Prague, Czech Republic, with the objective […]



CEO OASIS Diagnostics SA, Katarzyna Borycka, udzieliła wywiadu BUSINESS INSIDER, w którym opowiedziała o rozwiązaniu ONIRY oraz jego zastosowaniu w obecnych schematach opieki okołoporodowej. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z całym artykułem na stronie:


Our team is growing!

We are happy to inform you that Sebastian Suchecki joined our team! Sebastian is experienced Sales & Business Development Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the medical industry. Skilled in entrepreneurship, business development, marketing and business execution. Graduated from ESIC (Spain) Executive MBA program and AMU (Poland) Individual Master Degree Program focused on […]


Zajęliśmy drugie miejsce w konkursie Huawei Startup Challenge!

🥈🎉 Ogromna radość i duma! Właśnie zajęliśmy drugie miejsce w konkursie Huawei Startup Challenge! 🏆 Serdeczne podziękowania dla Członkiń i Członków Kapituły za docenienie naszego zaangażowania i wysiłku, a organizatorom za stworzenie tej wspaniałej przestrzeni do współzawodnictwa i współpracy! Takie inicjatywy są nieocenione, gdyż wspierają rozwój startupów, pomagają zdobyć środki, wiedzę i nawiązać kontakty kluczowe […]


OASIS in semi-finals of #HuaweiStartupChallenge3!

We are pleased to announce that we are among the top 20 Polish startups of the #HuaweiStartupChallenge3 competition, organized by Huawei Polska and Startup Academy! Congratulations to all the companies that qualified for the semi-finals with us! Together we will fight to revolutionize the Polish HealthTech market!


OASIS among finalists of Mother and Child Start-up Challenge!

We proudly announce that project ONIRY was awarded as one of the most creative product or process innovations, of major significance for patients and the healthcare system in Mother and Child Start-up Challenge organized by Instytut Matki i Dziecka! It is pleasure for us to be among such an honorable group of finalists. Thank you for appreciating […]


IFC Global Private Health Conference 2023

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is organizing a great event, the IFC Global Private Health Conference 2023, on February 14 and 15, 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa. This will be the 9th health conference by ICF (see link for further details). OASIS Diagnostics is considering this conference as a perfect opportunity to share knowledge and discuss on innovations in healthcare. Join IFC and OASIS Diagnostics for this global platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and discussion on […]